How well do you know Maggie Davis?

How well do you know Maggie Davis?

  1. Where does she come from?

    • Rome
    • Portland
    • New York
    • London
  2. In series 2, what's the name of the blogger giving her a hard time?

    • EverBlack
    • EverWhite
    • BlackSoul
    • which blogger?
  3. What's her mother's name?

    • Mary
    • Rachel
    • Anna
    • Carol
  4. In the first episode of series 1, Maggie arrives at school with:

    • rucksack and guitar
    • trolley and guitar
    • nothing
    • rucksack, trolley and guitar
  5. GO.ZY. stands for Go Crazy, true or false?

    • true
    • false
  6. Maggie's crush during series 1?

    • Quinn
    • Jacques
    • Eduard
    • Andrew

    You've still got some way to go. Go have a look on Maggie's blog and find out much more about her!


    GO.ZY.! You really know everything about Maggie! Keep it up!

  • Repeat the test